
Gastrostomy tubes (G-tubes) are feeding tubes that are placed surgically through the abdomen directly into the stomach, and are life sustaining for many patients for medications and nutrition. Fortunately many patients’ health conditions improve and they no longer require their g-tube. Standard practice is to simply remove the tube in the doctor’s office, and watchful waiting for the site to heal shut, typically 3 to 6 weeks. However, just like a pierced earring site that never completely closes, up to 40% of these patients will have a hole into the stomach that never completely closes. This results in leakage of stomach contents and acid, and the resultant skin breakdown and malnutrition. These patients ultimately require surgical closure of the site, and after weeks of failure, patient suffering, and with the associated risks and expense of anesthesia.

An implantable clip that can be inserted through the g-tube site at the time of tube removal in the office without anesthesia. It will chemically denude the lining of the tract to promote closure and healing, and close the stomach from the inside. This invention can turn an operating room procedure into an office based procedure.

Gold standard minimally invasive option for g-tube site closure in the office.

Inventor Name: Jeffrey Halter, MD

Inventor Name (additional): n/a

Case Number:

Patent Application Number: US 2020/0383667 A1

IP Status: Provisional